Monday, August 30, 2010

Chamber's Wedding & Camping!

We just returned from upstate New York after attending Mike & Daisy Chamber's wedding. It was a beautiful wedding and we were happy to have been able to be there! Daisy was beautiful in her gown and we're pretty sure that Mike had shed a couple of tears!

After the wedding, we had an Army weekend camping at Higley Flow State Park. It was a beautiful campground and it was nice to get away. Nice trails to hike on, but the fishing didn't prove to be very good. Not a thing caught. Over all it was a blast and we plan to return next spring when Ariyana is here (this time with a pop-up camper!). 

Before the wedding. All done up. I'm looking pretty large with Ariyana in my belly!
At the Catholic Church

At the reception dinner

Along the trail at Higley Flow State Park

Proud parents to be
Enjoying the lake view

Proudest mommy to be in the world!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Our little pink princess!

Today was such a fun shopping day with Arfan. I'm in total nesting mode between getting Ariyana's nursery ready and non-stop vacuuming. It's driving Arfan nuts. I don't know why I have such a desire to vacuum, but alas, I keep doing it! 
Today we went and found tons of cute little sleepers and outfits for our little girl! We are already talking about what she may look like, her cute little toes or how she'll laugh. What her personality will be like. She already plays games with Daddy. She'll be kicking me non-stop and Arfan will get down to my belly and start talking to her. She'll get really quiet and be completely in tune with what he is saying. I love it. And then he'll tap on my belly and she'll kick back in that same spot! At first I thought it was a coincidence, but after several occasions, it's most definitely not! Such a wonderful feeling to be able to be starting our little family! She is loved so much already!
Mommy and Daddy shopping at Carters for super cute outfits for Ariyana

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Keeping in mind that I'm in school full time, and largely preggo - in my spare time, [lol, hardly any], I really enjoy scrapbooking. I just wish I had more time to do it! In any case, I've started to scrapbook some of Ariyana's ultrasound photos. She is so much a part of me. Feeling every kick, hiccup, and movement is just amazing. I feel like I'm her protector from the world. That nothing bad can happen to her right now so long as I have a warm place for her to nap. I can't wait to meet this little angel.