Friday, January 28, 2011

I'm slacking

So P90X this time around lasted about a week. I've missed the last few days. I dunno. Any excuse that I have for not doing it only seems like an excuse. Yes, it is harder to get in a long workout when Ariyana doesn't like to be put down, but ultimately, when she is taking a nap, I've got other things I gotta get done. Ugh. If only I had a maid. Oh, and I'm starting to get working on the wedding plans more and more. I finally got in our wedding invitations and so I'm addressing all of them to be sent out very soon. I'm getting really excited. More people than I originally anticipated are going to be cruising with us. Upwards of twenty people will be there. I'm so excited that we're going to not only share our wedding day with them, but an amazing cruise as well. It's gonna be a blast! I gotta figure out what we're gonna be doing with our puppy. The kitties might be able to be watched by our neighbor again, which would be fantastic. The dog is going to be another expense. Boarding for a week at a decent place for him, will run us upwards of 300 bucks. Plus, I'm looking into ordering custom cruise tshirts for those who are cruising with us.

I'm trying on wedding dresses on Saturday. My first time trying them on and I have a lot of ideas of what I'd like it to look like. Of course I'll only wear the dress once, so I don't want it to be too expensive, but I want to feel like a beautiful bride. Huh, I guess that means I gotta start back up with P90X again. We got our elliptical machine working again, so I think I'll hit that up when Ariyana naps. I think another reason why working out isn't so easy is cause my other half sleeps during the day when he doesn't have a day off from work. I really don't wanna wake him up, so I'm leery to get anything done around the house that could wake him up. Wishing I had a bigger home right now, that our bedroom wasn't so close to everything. In due time!

Arfan was talking to a friend from our reserve unit and word is out that there are state-side deployments available at this time for case management. Oh, man I really wish I was done with my degree, because then we could easily travel and get stationed somewhere for a while and save up big money. We'd be able to save enough in a few years to put a large down payment on a bigger home. At that point we'd be moving somewhere, most likely somewhere warmer. My brother and his wife, Tiffany are considering a move to Colorado, and likewise we thought of doing the same. It'd be nice to be near them, especially if they start their family. I'd like for Ariyana to grow up with her family near. Not that she doesn't have family here in the Buffalo area, but in all honesty, they're not as close as I'd like them to be - with the exception of Solomon and Angela. We will see.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Loving those smiles!

More and more, Ariyana is giving us those lovely, happy baby girl smiles. They are contagious and precious. 

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Sleeping beauty

Today while relaxing on the couch with Arfan, we look over to where our little princess was napping. This is what we saw...

From our angle,
we see these little hands
floating up in the air...

Our little sleeping princess

Monday, January 17, 2011

One of my favorite things

I never thought I would get so much joy out of watching my daughter sleep.
So innocent and peaceful. I can't imagine a better sleep than this right here.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

My napping family

There's nothing better than coming home and seeing my lovely little family. 

Day 2 - P90X

Day one could have been better. I think doing an hour intense workout would be a lot easier without a fussy newborn. I wouldn't trade her for the world, but she really didn't want to be put down much. I was able to get in the first half hour of the work-out and I'll start back up with a new one today. 
I'm doing fairly well with eating the right things, but we really need to get to the grocery store for some protein! Outta tuna and chicken. Gotta wait till the other-half wakes up because until the weather gets a bit less cold, Ariyana pretty much stays inside. Better safe than sorry. I did drop a pound though from the last time I weighed myself. I'm not too excited because I've been hovering around this weight within a pound up or down. 

Wedding plans are still underway and I'm trying to come up with ideas to make our shipboard wedding more custom. It's right around the corner, and I'll be trying on wedding dresses next Saturday. I'm getting really excited and I hope I'm in great shape by the time we leave!

Friday, January 14, 2011


I start P90X tomorrow, I'm guessing the 15th is a good time to start. It's mid-month... not that it matters. Just trying to get myself psyched up to really do this. I previewed the first video that I'll be doing tomorrow and to be honest, I'm more nervous about doing this than I was for the physical aspect of basic training. Yeah, there was lots of physical demands of basic training, but this program is pretty hard core and I KNOW I'm going to be very sore. I just hope I'm not so sore that I can't function or walk. I've been that sore after a hard core workout before, so I'm trying to gear myself up for this. The results are proven though, and that's what I'm after. Not the hard grossly muscly look, but definitely toned and defined. I have a long way to go! 

Monday, January 10, 2011

Loving my new jammies

I always seem to look so cute in my clothes. This is my new duck sleeper. 

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Planning the wedding!

It's not that I've been slacking about getting all this wedding stuff planned. Been quite a bit busy since our little one has been here. The wedding and cruise has now been booked and I'm in the process of ordering the formal announcements. So much planning to do! Soon I'll be starting to try on wedding dresses. It'll for sure motivate me to get back into a better shape cause right now a wedding dress is not feeling this body! 

It's funny though, even before I started searching for what I'd like to have for my own dress, I've been looking at pretty dresses for Ariyana. She's gonna be such a pretty little flower girl. She'll be 7 months by the time the wedding is here, so she'll be sitting up unsupported by then. I'm hoping to try and arrange it so that she'll be pulled in a pretty little wagon as the flower girl. I'm not sure if that will be possible on the cruise ship, but if it's at all possible I'll be sure to make it happen! 

I'm starting to get really excited for the cruise itself too. It's gonna be a more-the-merrier cruise going to the Western Caribbean. The ports are going to be so much fun and I think it may very well be my favorite cruise to date! Certainly won't be our last either!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Bath time

Bath time is always my favorite time! I already splash around in the water and I love the sprayer. Mommy always seems to get as wet at I do by the end of it though. Showing off my sweet baby smiles!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Losing It & getting in shape

So for the past couple of weeks or so, I've been counting calories using an application on my iPhone called Lose It. I pretty much love it. I've already dropped 4 pounds and have kept it off, with the goal of losing ten more pounds and getting in very good shape. By keeping myself accountable to what I eat and how much I eat, I really think losing the rest of this baby weight is going to fall right off.

Oh, and I'll be starting P90X soon. With our sweet Ariyana here, I don't really have the time to get to the gym so I'm opting for a home program. P90X is pretty intense, but if I can get through basic training I'm sure I can get through this program. When the weather gets a bit more less frigid outside, I want to also try to take up running. I've always hated running and had to all the time when I was still military. My best time when I was active duty was 2 miles in 16:25. Which I suppose isn't terrible, but in no way was I the best. Now, after having not run in months and after having Ariyana I'd prolly be able to run half a mile before nearly dying. It's going to be quite the challenge for me to get back into the shape I want to be in. Not to mention be able to wear my pre-pregnancy clothes, of which I can't fit into any of my jeans at this point.

Our elliptical machine that we got for Christmas, patiently waits for use. We are having operational difficulties; the guys that came to set it up royally messed it up and instead of getting a new part, they tried to fix it by oiling up the band, which ultimately destroyed it, and other pieces of equipment around it. Not so happy with that. Once P90X is here, I plan on doing that in combination of some additional cardio.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Taking a nap

Ariyana took a nap today. She's starting to sleep a bit better at night, and taking little cat naps here and there during the day. Was able to get some much needed cleaning done today. Especially after all the holidays are over cleaning was really necessary. 
For the most part, I love, love having a Christmas tree up. But this year, I was all for having the living room back and more room to spread out. The tree was brought to the curb today.