Our sweet little girl is nine months old already. I ask myself every day where the time is going.
She looks more and more like a little girl than a baby every single day.
* Crawls all over and pulls up on everything
* Cruises across furniture
* Fave word is dada
* Loves her oatmeal mixed with fruit or veggie puree
* Claps her hands when she's happy
* Loves the park - swimming and swinging!
* Pretty good at finger foods!
* We're still working on hair! =)
* Getting better at being in the carseat! YAY!
* Loves her doggie, Toby! Laughs at him!
* Almost wearing size 3 Pampers Cruisers
* Fits into size 6 months clothing well. -9 months sizes are a bit big
* No teeth yet
* Loves her baby friends at play group
* Getting better being in the car seat
* Prefers non-toy items; the remote, mom's phone, paper - than to her toys
* Sleeping through the night now! YAY! Happy mommy!