Sunday, February 6, 2011


I've never made a resolution that I can honestly say that I remember keeping. So I haven't made any for as long as I can remember. But I'd really like to continue to better myself, not to fulfill some resolution, but to just simply be a better form of me. It's obvious that I'm trying to get in better shape. If anything, for vanities sake. I don't want to look like a lumpy bride in June. I want to be healthy as well, but for all intents and purposes, I want to look good, dammit! 

Hm. I also want to find joy in reading again. I used to read all the time. I would lose myself in a good book, and I'd tear through a novel in a few days. I'm hoping that Ariyana finds the joy in reading - I think that instead of having her favorite shows, I'd be proud if she had her favorite books. I'm starting early with her. I'm already reading to her in her glider in her nursery. To be honest, she doesn't care much for it. All for about 30 seconds she's interested in the pages, but then she's completely annoyed - or so it seems that I'm putting a book in front of her face. It's still early ;-) 

So... what am I going to read? I have a few books that I've picked up with the desire to read them... but never got around to it. My immediate goal... is to pick one out, and have at least 3 chapters read by tonight. It's hard for me to commit to that, because Ariyana tends to change plans quickly if she'd prefer attention over me getting some reading in. I suppose I'm setting this goal up, because now that cleaning is done, dishes are washed, and she's down napping - I feel like I have a free moment (nanosecond ?) to breathe. She's so peaceful sleeping. 

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