Friday, March 18, 2011

Super Mommy

I always wanted to be a mommy. It was my biggest hope over any dream job or career. Well, bigger than 'mommy', I wanted a family. Now that I have it, and have been a mommy for nearly four months, I can't help but to reflect on my abilities as a mommy. Now, there are many things I know that I plan to do differently than my mother thinking back to how we were raised. She wasn't a bad mother like the horror stories you here... she was just... absent by choice. I want to be there for every part of my daughters life. Starting now. 

A super mommy is something I know that I'm not. There always seems to be a pile of laundry - or the laundry seems to come out smelly. The dished might not get done. I'm the dish washer and lack one of those lovely machines. A fresh hot meal isn't always on the stove every night. Bills sometimes run late when I 'forget' them. I'm far from perfect. I'm not naturally good at some things, but I'm getting better. I regret some things though. Not having a specific monthly picture of Ariyana. I have hundreds of pictures, just not one specific pose for each month she's older. I tend to get a bit neurotic about things and even though Miss Ariyana is sleeping much of the night, I'm still up multiple times checking on her. Subconsciously, I must be wired to not get into a deep sleep as somehow this wouldn't be good for her. Like, what if to say she was crying and I was too asleep to hear her? Eventually, hopefully, I'll be able to sleep a little bit better. 

Today, Ariyana and I went for lunch out with Daddy and Taranne. Ariyana loved looking around Pizza Plant. She loved the ceiling fans! 

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