So, little Miss Ariyana. You are now ten months old. As in, almost a year. As in, looking more and more like a little girl, and less of a baby. Here's what's going on now!
* 17 pounds and 12 ounces
* 29 inches long ... er... tall since you stand a lot now.
* You cruise around most of the day, hanging on to pretty much everything you can hang on to
* You clap your hands when you're really excited
* Still no teeth!
* You're growing out your hair a bit more, but nothing that can be put up with a cute little bow yet.
* You understand the word 'no' and will sometimes stop when you're about to put something yucky in your mouth. Most of the time, you ignore me and do it anyway ;-) That "insert yucky-something here" must look really tasty to you!
* You love to sample any food that mom or dad is eating!
* You love strawberry yogurt, oatmeal, Gerber cheesy puffs and chicken
* You are very good at self-feeding and will even try to feed mommy and daddy. You already like to share!
* Most of the time you don't like it when mommy leaves the room for a minute. Other times, you love to explore your area.
* As soon as, "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse" comes on the t.v. in morning, you crawl really quickly to the t.v. stand and watch intently. This is the only show you do this for. Anything else, you don't pay much attention to. Which is fine, cause I don't want the t.v. on much. I'm trying to have more music on for background noise.
* You are starting to get better with a sippy cup. Weaning you off the boob is starting soon. By one year, you may be on regular whole milk - never had to go on formula! You've been quite healthy, and any cold, you got over pretty quickly!
* You're very mobile and can stand on your own for short periods of time, but no real first steps yet. You are very secure in your space with crawling over things, squatting and getting down from standing very well.
* You babble quite a bit and dada is your favorite word. I am pretty sure that you've said 'dog' too. You looked right at Toby and said 'DOG'. Could have been a fluke, but who knows. Still have yet to give me a real "mama". I'm waiting! I think you like the 'D' sound!
* Your favorite activities are, "Rollie Pollies Gym Class", Barnes and Noble Story time, baby play groups, the park, and going for walks.
* You love little balls. Any size, it doesn't matter. I think you're going to get a lot of them for your birthday and Christmas.
* You sometimes wave goodbye. Sometimes you don't feel like it.
* You played peek-a-boo on your own the other day. You pulled the shower curtain in front of your face and 'surpised' mommy by showing yourself. You repeated this several times and cracked up. It was the cutest thing ever
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