Sunday, March 20, 2011

Four Months Old!

I really can't believe it, but our little darling is already four months old! Time is flying by and she's growing and changing so much every day!

What Ariyana is up to!:

* Sleeping most of the night. She's out for the count around 830ish-9ishpm until around 330ish-4isham. Then she'll nurse and fall back asleep till around 7am. Pretty good!

* You can roll over! From your back to your tummy, one way! 

* We are pretty sure you've been teething on and off. Somedays are better than others. 

* You're starting to get interested in toys. You'll hold on to them, shake rattles and everything goes straight to the mouth!

* You love, love your jumperoo from Grandpa Sheppard. You're now big enough to actually bounce in it and that new found joy has been wonderful for you!

* You have been exclusively breast fed the last couple of months. You refuse a bottle completely these days. Still won't take a binkie. 

* You're wearing a size one diaper and we have about 30 of them left. I think after we go through those, you'll be moving up to size two! You have exploded your poopie a few times up and out of the size ones already!

* You've really started to notice Toby our dog lately. And even have gone to pet him a couple of times. By 'pet' I mean reach out and grab his ears. 

* You love going mall walking with mommy. You love looking at everything. Everyone ooos and ahhhs over you!

* You're a very smily girl these days. You give them those beautiful smiles all the time and we love it!

* You're starting to laugh here and there and it's adorable. You've given them so far to Daddy, Mommy and Uncle Sol

* You've learned to spit. It's actually pretty cute. 

* You still don't have much in the way of hair, but we still manage to get you some cute hair bows on a band. 

* You're wearing 3 month sized baby clothes and still have a bit more growing room in them. 

* Your favorite songs mommy sings are "You Are My Sunshine", "Raindrops", and "This Little Light of Mine". 

* You're sleeping most of the night in your crib, but Mommy goes in to check on you all the time. Mommy doesn't like it when you're so far away!

* You're starting to take showers in the big girl shower cause you're still too little to sit up on your own, but are too big for your baby bath! So you just come in the big shower to get washed!

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